El Paso Health | About Your Health | Spring 2025

When you have health insurance, it’s important to know which doctors take your plan and which ones don’t. In-network doctors vs. out-of-network doctors To get care without delays, try to see in-network doctors. This helps you get the care you need faster and easier. For additional questions, please contact our Member Services Department at 915-532-3778, or go to our website to search for an in-network provider. Out-of-network doctors These doctors and therapists do not take your insurance plan. If you visit them, your insurance may not pay and could cause delays. In-network doctors These doctors and therapists work with your insurance plan. Seeing them is usually easier. Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Salem, OR Permit No. 86 El Paso Health PO Box 971100 El Paso, TX 79997-1100 Spring • 2025

member news Exposure to pesticides Did you know that being exposed to pesticides can cause serious health risks such as poisoning and chronic health problems? If you are a farmworker, you may be exposed to pesticides that can cause long- and short-term effects. In addition, your child could be vulnerable because pesticides can contaminate shoes, hats, and clothes. If your child has been exposed to pesticides, please mention it to the doctor at their next Texas Health Steps checkup. The doctor might need to screen your child and determine what steps you need to take so that your child can stay healthy. El Paso Health has special Medicaid services for children of traveling farmworkers. To help you get these services, please call us at 1-877-532‑3778, ext. 1075. We will help you get the medical services your child needs. Prenatal and postpartum care for baby and mom Prenatal care is the care a woman gets while she is pregnant. It is important to see a doctor or nurse during pregnancy to make sure both mom and baby stay healthy. While you are pregnant: ■You and your doctor will keep an eye on your baby’s growth, listen to the baby’s heartbeat, and check your health. ■Your doctor will also guide you on healthy foods, exercise, and things to avoid while you are pregnant. ■Receiving regular prenatal care helps avoid problems and keep both mom and baby safe. Postpartum care is the care a woman gets after having a baby. After having your baby: ■Moms need time to readjust. ■Doctors check on how mom is feeling, in both body and mind. ■Many new moms feel tired or sad, but it’s important to talk to a doctor if these feelings last longer than 10 days. ■Doctors will check on how you are recovering after having your baby. ■Guidance is offered for breastfeeding and birth control. Both prenatal and postpartum care are important for a healthy pregnancy and recovery. Visiting your doctor helps to get the care you need. El Paso Health offers monthly Baby Shower presentations with information to support moms-to-be. For information on dates and times, call El Paso Health at 915-532-3778, or visit www.elpasohealth.com/ events. 2

family health At El Paso Health, we work hard to make sure our members get the care they need. But sometimes, doctors may bill us for appointments that didn’t happen. This can lead to big problems, including higher costs for everyone. To help with this, we’ve started the “Verify Your Visit” program. If you or your child recently had a doctor’s appointment, you may receive a text message from us. Please take a minute to follow the link in the text message and answer a short, 3-question survey. It’s quick, easy, and available in both English and Spanish. When doctors bill for services that were not provided, it could be considered fraud or abuse. Fraud happens when someone knowingly does something wrong, like billing for an appointment that didn’t occur. Abuse happens when rules are not followed, even if it’s unintentional. Both of these can drive up health-care costs. If you suspect fraud or abuse, you can report it confidentially. Your report can even be made anonymously. Report to: ■El Paso Health Fraud Hotline: 1-866-356-8395. ■Texas Office of Inspector General: 1-800-436-6184 or oig.hhs.texas.gov. By verifying your visits and reporting concerns, you help protect our health-care system and ensure that resources are used properly. Thank you for helping us fight fraud and abuse! What vaccines does my young adult need before college? Before heading to college, it’s important for young adults ages 17 and older to make sure they are up-to-date on their vaccinations. Not only does this help keep them healthy and safe from serious diseases, it also ensures they meet college requirements. To avoid any delays or issues with enrollment, it’s best to plan ahead and ensure your young adult has the necessary vaccines. Here are the key vaccines college students should have: Meningococcal vaccine. This vaccine protects against meningitis, a serious infection of the brain and spinal cord. College students living in dorms are at higher risk. MMR (measles, mumps, rubella). This vaccine protects Verify Your Visit HELP US AVOID PROBLEMS AND EXTRA COSTS IN YOUR HEALTH CARE against 3 contagious diseases that can spread easily in crowded places, like college campuses. Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis). This vaccine is important for protection against whooping cough (pertussis), tetanus, and diphtheria. It’s recommended for all young adults. HPV (human papillomavirus). HPV can cause certain types of cancer. The vaccine is recommended for both males and females to help prevent these cancers. Flu vaccine. Each year, the flu vaccine helps protect against the seasonal flu, which can spread quickly on college campuses. Before your young adult leaves for college, be sure to talk with a health-care provider about which vaccines they need. For more information, visit the Texas Health and Human Services “Immunization Schedules” webpage at dshs.texas .gov/immunizations/public/ schedules. 3

resources ABOUT YOUR HEALTH is published as a community service for the friends and patrons of EL PASO HEALTH, 1145 Westmoreland Drive, El Paso, TX 79925, telephone 1-877-532-3778, website www.elpasohealth.com. Information in ABOUT YOUR HEALTH comes from a wide range of medical experts. If you have any concerns or questions about specific content that may affect your health, please contact your health-care provider. Models may be used in photos and illustrations. 2025 © Coffey Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. EPHM10622503-EPH-MBR-Spring 2025 Member Newsletter Member Services Department 1-877-532-3778 Disaster preparedness Disasters include natural events such as storms, floods, wildfires, and disease outbreaks. They can occur anywhere and without notice. Be sure to create a plan in case of natural disasters or disease outbreaks. Texas has a Texas Ready website (texasready.gov) that can help you prepare for natural disasters. The 3 key things to keep in mind are: 1. Be informed. 2. Make a plan. 3. Build a kit. Be informed of the disasters you may face in your area and how you can prepare for them. For example, during a flood you may want to have bottled water ready in case the water supply in your area becomes contaminated. You will also need an escape route if you need to leave your home because of the flood. Make a plan to be ready when a disaster occurs. This means knowing where your family is and how to communicate with them. Create an emergency plan where you can write down all of your family’s information, including their medical providers, medical conditions, and the medicines they are using. Build a kit that includes essentials like food, water, and even pet supplies. Pack your supplies in a portable container. Have a first aid kit ready to go and any copies of your important documents. Keep these supplies ready in an easily accessible area. You should always be ready in case an emergency occurs. Go to the Texas Ready website at texasready.gov to start creating your emergency plan now. Interpreter services available for members Do you have trouble understanding your doctor during your appointments? Have you left your appointment feeling confused about what you need to do next? El Paso Health (EPH) can assist you with interpreter services so you can understand what your doctor is saying or help you ask questions. This includes having a face-to-face interpreter present with you at the doctor’s office. You can even request interpreters who know sign language! Call EPH to set up an interpreter for your appointments. Call the Member Services Hotline at 915532-3778 if you are in El Paso or 1-877-532-3778 outside of El Paso. When should you call to schedule an interpreter? ■24 hours in advance for an in-office face-to-face interpreter. ■48 hours in advance for an inoffice sign language interpreter. Thank you for choosing El Paso Health.